specialized in manufacturing of vinyl gloves

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Leaders of Federation of Workers Union of Suqian City visited Jaysun Glove



        Morning of 25th, Sept. 2013, Mr. Wang Yong, Vice Chairman of Workers Union of Suqian City, and group of 21 person of the workers Union visited our factory and held party of “ To be a worker one day a week”,General Manager of Jaysun Glove introduced the history and develop plan of Jaysun Glove in details. Also, introduced the implement of regulations which required by Workers Union and Government. Mr. Wang Yong explained the meaning of “To be a worker one day a week”. Andf feel pleased about the development of Jaysun Glove, he inspired the worker Unions to work caringly in heart and honestly in outside. Mr. Wang yong hope Jaysun Glove and the Workers Uniont to establish three mutual integrity:  Benefit integrity, Career integrity, Life integrity. Mr. Wang yong also agreed Jaysun Glove activity of “Loving-fund” Help in difficulty. He hope this activity can be more standard and regulative under the platform between Jaysun Glove and the government.

        Mr. Wang visited our production lines and experienced to be as a worker in our packing room. He packed according to the standard packing procedure and requirement, it help attendees to understand the meaning of “To be a worker one day a week”. When lunch time comes,Mr. wang had lunch together with our workers. 




Add.of the factory :
No.199 Jianling Rd,Suqian City,Jiangsu China 223800